<![CDATA[Warrock Türkiye / Ship Supply - Hesap Problemleri ile ilgili ticketlar / Account İssues]]> http://forum.warrocktr.com/ 2024-06-18T05:07:16Z MyBB 2014-04-30T20:13:38Z 2014-04-30T20:13:38Z http://forum.warrocktr.com/Konu-Gold-Premium-Dinar-sorunu <![CDATA[Gold Premium Dinar sorunu]]> false 2013-07-27T14:21:31Z 2013-07-27T14:21:31Z http://forum.warrocktr.com/Konu-l%C3%BCffen-yard%C4%B1m-et-gm <![CDATA[lüffen yardım et gm]]> ]]> false 2013-07-15T13:19:56Z 2013-07-15T13:19:56Z http://forum.warrocktr.com/Konu-u%C3%A7an-balonlar <![CDATA[uçan balonlar]]> balon süsleme dizaynı ile etkili hale getirerek sevdiklerimizin de beğeneceği bir şıklığa dönüştürebiliriz. Ailemize ve geleceğimize farklı bir yön vermek adına yeni açacağımız iş yerimizin de reklamsal açıdan tanıtımına yönelik bir açılışın bir ajans tarafından gerçekleşmesini sağlayabiliriz. Bunun dışında ailemizin daha iyi şartlarda yaşamaları adına girişmiş olduğumuz yeni işyerimizin insanlar tarafından daha iyi bilinmesi adına açılış organizasyonu ile reklamlar yaptırılabilir. Reklam organizasyonu işitsel yayınlarla sürerken işletmemizin çevresi de zincir balon süslemelerle görsel bir zenginlikle donatılarak bu zorlu yolun ilk adımı olması gerektiği gibi sağlanabilir. Bu düşüncelerden hareketle amaç, sevdiklerimizi sevmenin haricinde onlara sevgimizi anlatmanın bir diğer şeklidir. Yalnızca açılış ve sünnet değil tabii ki, yavrumuzun doğum gününde de onu ve arkadaşlarını sevindirmek, mutlu etmek adına ortamı renkli uçan balon süslemeleriyle donatabiliriz. Böylesi renkli ve coşkulu mekânın etkisiyle arkadaşlarını uçan balonlarla ve sevinçle kucaklayan çocuklarımızın yaşadığı mutluluğa sizler de keyif alarak şahit olmuş olacaksınız. uçan balon fiyatları helyum gazı ile aynı oransal artışa ve azalışa sahip olsa da bu rakam 2013 yılı adına 4 TL olarak belirlenmiştir. Evlilik töreni sonunda misafirlerimize ve sevdiklerimize vermek üzere getirttiğimiz dilek balonları onlara ayrı bir gece sürprizi yaşatırken hep birlikte sevinmenin coşkusunu ve mutluluğunu keyifle yaşayacaksınız. Neticede dostlarınıza ve sevdiklerinize verdiğiniz değeri keyifli bir biçime belli etmenin en güzel yollarındandır dilek balonu, balon süsleme ve uçan balonlar. Bu nedenledir ki sevgi; daima içimizde korumamız gereken en değerli yetimizdir. İçinizdeki sevginin hep özel kalması umuduyla..]]> false 2013-06-04T14:37:07Z 2013-06-04T14:37:07Z http://forum.warrocktr.com/Konu-Warrock-GM-leri-l%C3%BCtfen-bak%C4%B1n%C4%B1z <![CDATA[Warrock GM leri lütfen bakınız...]]> ]]> false 2013-04-07T16:07:06Z 2013-04-07T16:07:06Z http://forum.warrocktr.com/Konu-warrocktan-gelen-ticket-cevap%C4%B1n%C4%B1n-t%C3%BCrk%C3%A7esini-yazarms%C4%B1%C4%B1n%C4%B1z <![CDATA[warrocktan gelen ticket cevapının türkçesini yazarmsıınız]]>
As we already conatcted you about this matter , we are forced to tell you that we cannot take other actions or give you more information then we already did.

The ban you received is only related to an account because you did some infraction with that account, therefore we can propose you to create a new Nexon ID and restart a new character.

If you do not accept this message as final we will see ourselves forced to add you to the Spam folder.

We are really sorry for the inconvenience this might have caused.
2013-02-03T23:26:10Z 2013-02-03T23:27:59Z http://forum.warrocktr.com/Konu-Ticket-cevab%C4%B1-%C3%A7ar%C4%B1m-gitti <![CDATA[Ticket cevabı çarım gitti]]>
As noted in the Dishonor List, there can be different reasons for your ban.
The reasons can be the following:

-Hacking (All Kinds)
-Bug Abusing (Wall glitch -(going into and seeing though), Weapon bug, Deathmatch room's for explosive maps etc etc)
-Scamming or attempted Scamming
-Powerleveling (Aiding in power leveling as well)
-Insults (Racials Insults will result to a permanent ban, other types of Insults will result to a temporary ban depending on the severity)
-3rd party program usage (includes net limiter, anything that enchances your gameplay over the normal limit)
-Account Sharing
-Modem tapping
-The use of proxies to play in other server's.
-Account selling

All these infraction's listed above carry a permanent ban, unless stated otherwise.

There are different ways that these infractions will be noticed by our team. Please note, that before we implement any ban, all accusations are checked with our game logs. Because of this, we will not impose a ban if there is no supporting evidence.

Sorry for the grief this ban may have caused,

Regards, [GM]NXRhea

Hesabım 4milyon küsüratlı dakika askıya alınmışdı hemde hack kullanmadığım ve kimseye küfür etmediğim halde resmen şoke oldum ve bunu ticket yolluyla bildirdim maalesef açmıyorlar çarı 4milyon dakika yaklaşık 7 buçuk seneye tekabül ediyor ediyor neyse sayılı gün çabuk geçer obaaaaa]]>
2012-07-30T12:42:32Z 2012-07-30T12:42:32Z http://forum.warrocktr.com/Konu-Ticket--40450 <![CDATA[Ticket]]> Thanks for your request.

In order to use or transfer any account , the password and ID are needed.
As noted in our Terms of Service you are reponsible for your account security.

If your information has been compromised , we cannot be held responsible.
Therefore we cannot restore your account or items.

Sorry for the inconvenience this might have caused.

Ben sadece şifre mi istiyorum butun bilgilerim mevcut ne demek istiyor]]>
2012-06-28T17:41:51Z 2012-06-28T17:42:27Z http://forum.warrocktr.com/Konu-%C4%B0tem <![CDATA[İtem]]> Bakımdan sonra 30 gün m14 ucmus gitmiş Zaten item yok suan pre olmadıgı için
bi yardım edebilirmsnz ticket konusunda

[Resim: 20031204_mine_m14.jpg]]]>
2012-06-28T17:26:20Z 2012-06-28T17:26:20Z http://forum.warrocktr.com/Konu-Bilgi-de%C4%9Fi%C5%9Fimi-yard%C4%B1m <![CDATA[Bilgi değişimi yardım .]]> false 2012-05-02T12:26:02Z 2012-05-02T18:45:37Z http://forum.warrocktr.com/Konu-Ticket-%C3%87eviri--37076 <![CDATA[Ticket Çeviri]]>
Thank you for contacting GamersFirst Payments Support.

Please note that we are aware of your issue and currently working diligently on your original email 222912. However, due to the complexity of some issues it may take a bit of time to fully resolve the matter.

If you would like to provide additional information to your inquiry, please open the email containing your original request in your inbox and reply to that message directly. Please keep in mind that all responses must be typed at the top of the email, above the rest of the text.

Additionally, please refrain from submitting multiple tickets regarding one issue as this will not speed up the process. We sincerely appreciate your patience during this process and apologize for any inconvenience due to the delay.


Ne demek istemiş olabilirler.Yardımcı olurmusunuz.Arkadaşlar]]>
2012-04-12T13:45:45Z 2012-04-12T13:45:45Z http://forum.warrocktr.com/Konu-Gelen-ticket-cevab%C4%B1-acil-bakabilirmisiniz-yard%C4%B1m-l%C3%BCtfen <![CDATA[Gelen ticket cevabı acil bakabilirmisiniz, yardım lütfen!]]> false 2012-03-02T18:11:21Z 2012-03-02T18:11:21Z http://forum.warrocktr.com/Konu-gelen-ticket-cevab%C4%B1-yard%C4%B1m--35495 <![CDATA[gelen ticket cevabı yardım]]>
Hemen aşağı tıckete atmadan once yadımcı olabılıcek arkadaşlardan tekrar yollamak ıcın tıcket ıstıyorum elımde bır tek retaıl kodu var kod olarak.

ve gelen cevap:

Greetings, Adventurer!

Account: peynir1231

Thank you for contacting Gamersfirst Support. We appreciate you taking the time to contact us regarding your account.

We are sorry to hear about the issue you are facing. Before we proceed with your request, we must first verify that you are the rightful owner of this account. For verification purposes, please provide us with:

- All the 7 Digit Order IDs \ Invoice Numbers for the purchases made on this account for the past 6 months

As soon as we receive this information, we will be able to proceed with your request. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.

Thank you for playing War Rock!

2012-02-29T12:24:25Z 2012-02-29T12:24:25Z http://forum.warrocktr.com/Konu-Ticket-cevaplanma-s%C3%BCresi <![CDATA[Ticket cevaplanma süresi]]> ]]> false 2012-02-03T21:51:12Z 2012-02-03T21:51:12Z http://forum.warrocktr.com/Konu-Ticket-Cevap--34886 <![CDATA[Ticket Cevap]]> false 2011-10-25T23:50:24Z 2011-10-25T23:50:24Z http://forum.warrocktr.com/Konu-Ticket-Cevap%C4%B1-Bakarms%C4%B1n-Almanca <![CDATA[Ticket Cevapı Bakarmsın(Almanca)]]>
Danke, dass Du Dich mit dem War Rock Kundenservice in Verbindung gesetzt hast.

Wir möchten Dir mitteilen, dass wir alle de-leveled Konten überprüft haben und das Level der Legitspieler wiederhergestellt haben.

Sollte Dein Level nicht wiederhergestellt worden sein, bedeutet es, dass Power Leveling mit diesem Konto stattgefunden hat und wir werden vorläufig nichts mehr an diesem Konto ändern. Dies gilt auch für andere Konten, worüber es uns in den Tickets berichtet wurde.

Wenn Du weitere Fragen hast, bitten wir Dich, uns ein neues Ticket unter http://www.gamersfirst.com/support.php zuzusenden.

Wir danken Dir, dass Du Dich für War Rock entschieden hast.

2011-10-23T12:36:23Z 2011-10-23T12:36:23Z http://forum.warrocktr.com/Konu-Ticket-Cevab%C4%B1-Bakarm%C4%B1s%C4%B1n%C4%B1z--32851 <![CDATA[Ticket Cevabı Bakarmısınız ?]]> Greetings gamer,

Thank you for contacting War Rock Customer Support. We appreciate you taking the time to contact us regarding your account’s level query.

Please be informed, we have investigated all the De-leveled accounts and restored legit accounts back to their previous level.
If your account level has not been restored, then this indicates that the account was found to be Power Leveling, and no further action will be taken on the account at this time.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact War Rock Customer Service at http://www.gamersfirst.com/support.php

Thank you for playing War Rock!


GamersFirst Customer Support
Paypal Payments Accepted Through Playspan Worldwide! Click Here!]]>
2011-10-22T19:58:06Z 2011-10-22T19:58:06Z http://forum.warrocktr.com/Konu-Ticket-Cevap%C4%B1-Almanca--32832 <![CDATA[Ticket Cevapı(Almanca)]]> Çevirirseniz Sevinirim

Greetings gamer,

Thank you for contacting War Rock Customer Support. We appreciate you taking the time to contact us regarding your account’s level query.

Please be informed, we have investigated all the De-leveled accounts and restored legit accounts back to their previous level.
If your account level has not been restored, then this indicates that the account was found to be Power Leveling, and no further action will be taken on the account at this time.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact War Rock Customer Service at http://www.gamersfirst.com/support.php

Thank you for playing War Rock!


GamersFirst Customer Support
Paypal Payments Accepted Through Playspan Worldwide! Click Here!
Please, rate my message here: http://www.nicereply.com/gamersfirst/4379674/50622/]]>
2011-10-20T11:54:14Z 2011-10-20T11:54:14Z http://forum.warrocktr.com/Konu-Ticket-Cevap%C4%B1-Almanca <![CDATA[Ticket Cevapı[Almanca]]]>
Nach nochmaliger Überprüfung Deines Kontos haben wir das vorherige Level wiederhergestellt.

Wir entschuldigen uns für jegliche Unannehmlichkeiten, die Dir hierdurch entstanden sind.

Solltest Du weitere Fragen haben, bitten wir Dich, uns ein neues Ticket zukommen zu lassen. Wir wünschen Dir weiterhin viel Spaß beim Spielen.


Nediyor Beyler Yardımlarınızı Bekliyorum]]>
2011-10-18T21:41:22Z 2011-10-18T21:41:22Z http://forum.warrocktr.com/Konu-Ticket-Cevab%C4%B1--32738 <![CDATA[Ticket Cevabı]]>
Thank you for contacting the War Rock Customer Support Team regarding the issue with your level.

Upon investigation, we have found this account to be Power Leveling in game, which continued even after the official announcement in forums and hence your account was de-leveled accordingly. We are unable to restore the level in your account.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact War Rock Customer Service at http://www.gamersfirst.com/warrock. We hope that you will continue to enjoy your gaming experience with War Rock.

Sanıyorsam burda charda hack kullanıldığından bahsediyor yanılıyor muyum?
Google Translate tam olarak karşılayamıyor.]]>
2011-10-18T18:04:15Z 2011-10-18T18:04:15Z http://forum.warrocktr.com/Konu-Ticket-Cevap%C4%B1--32731 <![CDATA[Ticket Cevapı]]>

Greetings gamer,

Thank you for contacting the War Rock Customer Support Team regarding the issue with your level.

Upon investigation, we have found this account to be Power Leveling in game, which continued even after the official announcement in forums and hence your account was de-leveled accordingly. We are unable to restore the level in your account.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact War Rock Customer Service at http://www.gamersfirst.com/warrock. We hope that you will continue to enjoy your gaming experience with War Rock.
